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Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Evaluation

Recurrent pregnancy loss is a condition in which a woman has spontaneous abortions twice or more than that. The cause for the same may remain unknown. In such cases, it is important to evaluate why it had happened.

Recurrent pregnancy loss evaluation is the method of evaluating the pregnancy loss. Through this procedure, a careful evaluation is done. As a result, the cause for continuous miscarriages or Pregnancy Loss can be determined. Some of the most common causes are:

  • Chromosomal/ Genetic causes: Chromosome analysis is performed using the parents’ blood samples. It helps in identifying the genetic causes that triggers recurrent pregnancy loss disease. There can be various chromosome abnormalities that cause recurrent pregnancy loss. Translocation is one of the common causes among them. It is a condition when one part of a chromosome is attached to another chromosome. Missing or duplicated chromosome can be another reason. This can be analysed through chromosome test, which will help in bringing best results in IVF treatments.
  • Age: It is natural that, there is increased chance for miscarriages as the woman ages. If a woman is trying to get pregnant after 40, she may have to face number of miscarriages.
  • Hormonal Abnormalities: Abnormality in hormone levels influences recurrent pregnancy loss. Progesterone is a hormone produced by the ovary after the ovulation process. A healthy pregnancy requires normal volume of progesterone hormone. Some reports say that, low progesterone level may increase the chance for miscarriages.
  • Metabolic Anomalies: Uncontrolled diet causes metabolic conditions like diabetes. Diabetes and obesity are two common enemies of healthy pregnancy. It is important to get control over blood sugar level and other metabolic issues before getting pregnant.
  • Uterine Abnormalities: There are quite a lot of acquired as well as congenital uterine abnormalities which may cause recurrent pregnancy loss. Some of them may include distortion of the uterine cavity, uterine polyps, uterine fibrosis, Asherman’s syndrome, uterine septum, double uterus etc. Ultrasounds, hysteroscopy, sonohysterography, Hysterosalpingogram etc. are some of the diagnostic tests to find uterine abnormalities.
  • Certain diseases such as Thrombophilias and Antiphospholipid Syndrome may also be a cause.
  • Male factor: Abnormal morphology of sperm can also cause recurrent pregnancy loss.

However, there are some unexplained factors which could not be completely understood by the researchers. Couple should be more careful while facing miscarriages. Following a healthy lifestyle and guidance of the doctor can help them from such situations.

Authored By Dr. Mangala Devi K R , MBBS, MS (OBG)

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