Semen Analysis

Semen is an organic fluid secreted by the sexual and other glands of male. Sperms in Semen are capable of fertilizing the female eggs. Semen analysis is done to analyse the characteristics of a male’s semen. Semen analysis is usually suggested for diagnosing the male fertility. Usually, the procedure is done before a couple wish to have a baby or to check the success for vasectomy. It can also be a part of pre-pregnancy testing.

Semen Analysis analyses the:

  • Amount of semen produced by a man in an ejaculate.
  • Number of sperms in the semen.
  • Quality of sperms produced etc.

A semen analysis comprises of the following tests:

  • pH
  • Liquefaction time.
  • Sperm Morphology.
  • Volume
  • Sperm count
  • Fructose level etc.

Before undergoing a semen analysis, an individual will be suggested to avoid ejaculation for a few days. It is done to ensure the highest level of sperm count. The analysis is done by collecting a sample semen in a clean container. It is tested in a laboratory. Semen analysis tests do not comprise any risks or complications.

Authored By Dr. Mangala Devi K R , MBBS, MS (OBG)

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