Smile Baby IVF, Bangalore’s leading fertility clinic, offers advanced IVF treatments with personalized care and the highest success rates. Consult our expert team today.

Fertility Surgeries

Reproductive medicine now gives everyone all possible opportunities to have the family of their dreams. To determine the right fertility treatment for you, everything from your medical history and fertility diagnosis to your personality type and goals will be considered. Once you complete all the basic infertility evaluation, the doctors decide on which path to follow to increase your chances of pregnancy. With the advance of technology, it has become possible to perform minimally invasive surgeries with accuracy to correct any anatomical defects that are preventing you from conceiving. A fertility surgery is thus important to correct a blocked fallopian tube, uterine septum or severe endometriosis in women and a varicocele repair or blocked vas deferens in males.

Surgeries for Women

Hysteroscopy: This procedure is used to remove scar tissue, fibroids, polyps or a uterine septum using a tiny fiber-optic camera inserted into the uterine cavity.
Laparoscopy: Ovarian cysts, fibroids, abnormal fallopian tubes, endometriosis, scar tissue and other uterine abnormalities are corrected using small incisions made in the abdomen. A laparoscope is introduced into the incision to accurately view and rectify minor defects.
Laparotomy: A cesarean section like incision is placed to correct complex cases of endometriosis or fibroids and reconnecting surgically sealed fallopian tubes.

Surgeries for Men

Varicocelectomy: In this procedure, the varicose veins of the scrotum are ligated or surgically removed to improve the quality of sperms.
Vasectomy Reversal: The surgical procedure to reconnect the vas deferens through a small incision in the testicle to enable the sperm to once again enter the seminal fluid.

 After the surgery, your doctor will explain all the different options which would be most suitable for you for a successful pregnancy. No matter what your condition maybe, at Smile Baby IVF we help you find a solution that is perfectly suited for your family-building needs.

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