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Mini Sterilisation, Tubectomy and Vasectomy

Mini Sterilization, tubectomy and vasectomy are three permanent contraceptive methods. They are suggested for couple who choose not to have children in the future.

Mini Sterilization:

It is a surgical method for permanent contraception. Tubectomy is the sterilization method for women and vasectomy is meant for men.


A permanent surgical method of contraception in women is called tubal recanalization or tubectomy. Tubectomy can be performed by a laparoscopic surgeon, gynecologist, or a general surgeon. The procedure is also referred to as tubal sterilization. The procedure is done by cutting or blocking a small portion of the fallopian tubes. The procedure is comparatively a complex one and done under general anesthesia. Usually, it is not suggested for women:

  • who have had abdominal surgeries in the past
  • Those with heart and lung diseases
  • Those who may suffer from complications caused by general anesthesia.

Most possible complications of tubectomy are:


It is a permanent birth control technique for men. The method prevents sperm release while ejaculation. The procedure involves cutting, sealing or clamping the vas deferens. Even after the procedure, there can be sperm in the ejaculate for several months. The individual will be asked to use another temporary birth control method during this period.

Authored By Dr. Mangala Devi K R , MBBS, MS (OBG)

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