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Fetal Assessment

Fetal assessment test is done in order to monitor the foetus’s growth. It also helps in identifying the risks involved in the pregnancy. Fetal assessment tests may not cause any harm to the growing baby. There are number of fetal assessment procedure:

Ultrasound: It is an invasive and painless procedure which makes use of the sound echoes. According to which, images of the baby will be created. By analysing the image, the doctor will be able to determine the size and position of the baby. The doctor can also determine the due date, birth anomalies etc. through the test. Ultrasound is not risky for the growing baby.

Biophysical Profile: It is another test which makes use of ultrasound in finding the well being of the baby. It takes more time than a normal ultrasound. The test can give detailed information regarding the health of the baby.

Non Stress Test: A test used to monitor the heart beat and contractions of the uterus is called non stress test. Normally, the test is performed only after 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Amniocentesis: Chromosomal defects, maturity of the lungs, neural tube defects, genetic defects Down’s syndrome etc. are determined by this test. This test has certain minor complications.

Non Stress test and Biophysical Profile are called fetal well being tests. If the baby is found to have any issue during the test, the doctor will recommend early delivery or any other solution.

Authored By Dr. Mangala Devi K R , MBBS, MS (OBG)

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