Fallopian tubes are the thin tubes in the uterus which helps in leading the mature eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. Obstruction in the Fallopian tube will prevent the egg from travelling down the tube. This condition is what is called fallopian tubal blockage which causes infertility in women. About 40% cases of infertility are caused due to this tubal blockage. It is also known as tubal factor infertility. Tubal recanalization or Fallopian tube recanalization is to remove the blockage in the fallopian tubes.
These fine tube-like structures or fallopian tubes connect the uterus and the ovaries. The eggs develop in the ovaries and travel through the fallopian tubes. They meet the sperm and fertilize in the fallopian tubes. Blockage in the tube prevents this action and whereby prevents pregnancy. Inflammation and infections of the tube is seen as the main cause for the tubal blockage. Other causes of fallopian tubal blockage can be sexually transmitted infection such as chlamydia or gonorrhea, infections caused by abortion or miscarriage, history of ectopic pregnancy, endometriosis, previous abdominal surgery etc.

Fallopian tube recanalization is all about reopening the tube to remove the blockage. During the procedure, a speculum will be placed into the vagina. A small plastic tube called a catheter will be passed through the cervix into the uterus.This procedure can be done under laparoscopic guidance or alternativelythrough the catheter, a liquid contrast agent will be injected. The blockage will be identified through the image shown on the screen using and X-ray camera. The fallopian tube is then opened using a small catheter threaded through the previous catheter. Through this procedure, blockages can be removed and normal function can be rebuilt.
There can be minimal bleeding for some days after the procedure. There may not be any pain or other discomforts. Any pain, cramps, fever or abnormal discharge after the procedure should be informed to the doctor immediately.