Smile Baby IVF, Bangalore’s leading fertility clinic, offers advanced IVF treatments with personalized care and the highest success rates. Consult our expert team today.

How fertile am I?

  • Once the couple decides to start trying for the baby, the most obvious question is: How quickly is this possible? Certain things need to be kept before you start trying for baby, as longer unsuccessful trials brings frustration:
    • Having sex in the most fertile part of female partner’s menstrual period (during ovulation) is most essential
    • Ovulation usually occurs mid cycle. More precisely, ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the onset of bleeding
    • Ovulation can be upset and delayed by many factors, e.g., sickness, alcohol, travel, stress
    • According to Human Fertilisation & Embryology and Authority (HEFA) the statistics show following:
      • 30% of couples conceive within a month of starting to try for a baby
      • 75 % conceive within six months
      • 90 % conceive within a year
      • 95% conceive within two years
  • However if no pregnancy occurs after two years of regular, unprotected sex then a medical opinion is suggested:
    • At this stage the fertility of both partners is checked
    • Tests can be done to find the problem and help the couple
    • The initial assessment is done by the doctor by asking questions regarding lifestyle, general health and medical history
    • This assessment is followed by simple tests like
    • Ovulation (egg release) test for women
    • Blood tests to check for hormonal problems such as PCOS and premature menopause for women
    • Screening for rubella (German measles) for women
    • Sperm count test for men
    • Chlamydia test
    • If the tests reveal something, detailed analysis is done to find the exact problem and doctors suggest the therapies or alternative ways by which couple can attain parenthood

Authored By Dr. Mangala Devi K R , MBBS, MS (OBG)

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